Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Well, that's all, folks.

So, the only thing I've been clinging to, desperately, over the past year, is my sense of humor. I've been joking about my life, your life, society's life, everyone and everything, just to keep from completely falling off the deep end, but today, that's all changed. I've been told joking about things makes me a "serious asshole." Well, fuck you.

That's all I have to say. So, for the next week, no humor, no jokes. If you've known me long enough, you surely remember when I seriously WAS a huge asshole. Guess what? I'm angry enough for that to happen, again. Instead, I will just shut the fuck up, rarely talk, and spare the world of that completely intolerable behavior.

The pluses of the day: Found out that my mom doesn't have ovarian cancer, but might have some pretty severe gall bladder problems. It's all trade off, isn't it.


  1. well the no humor thing is just going to make friday a blaaaast!
    humor is honestly the only way i stay sane also, so again who ever disagreed: fuck you.
