Saturday, May 30, 2009


So, my thought has unfortunately drifted over and over to these next 3 topics.

1. It's always funny when you look back on the past couple years and regret quite a bit, but regret nothing more than taking good people for granted. I was thinking about OSU, last night. Overall, I'd say I had a miserable experience, and there were definitely some people and many bad choices I'd mad that caused that to happen. That said, I've been talking to some of my friends from up there again, and I just wish I'd spent more time with them. I'd say this stands in stark opposition to now where I don't go out at all, haven't really met any new people I'd enjoy hanging out with, but the few I have met, I'm unable to spend time with. It's something.

2. I've been reading a lot about faith and arguments justifying positions on reasons for "faith based actions." The more I read about them, I tend to feel it's like a successful suicide.

3. I keep on trying to envision where I'll be in the next 15 years, and I keep drawing blanks. It's a pretty miserable feeling to have at this point in life.

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